Campaign proposal and design direction presentation for L'Estrange, the British menswear brand democratising the modular wardrobe through sustainable quality, timeless versatility, and design minimalism. With less, do more.  

P R O D U C T 
The 24 Trouser. A trouser for every wear.

D E L I V E R A B L E S 
Concept strategy + Definition
Social Launch + Teasers
Paid social proposal
Design direction

The Art of Living / The Age of Leisure(wear)

My campaign proposal offered an overarching concept based on the prophetic economic document of the 1920s 'Economic Possibilities for Our Grandchildren' written by British economist John Maynard Keynes. Keynes predicted that one century on, humanity would evolve to be so efficient that work would achieve obsoletion. That there would be an abundance of time so great that our most monumental challenge would be determining the quality of how we spend time. He called this the 'Art of Living; The Age of Leisure'. 
Taking into account the reality of living in the 2020s, I wanted the campaign to reflect a true articulation of our current times and the lifestyle we've globally adapted to. The quality of how we spend time is always our greatest currency.
The Art of Living in an Age of Leisure(wear): Wearable design that can accommodate any time and any place. Building a wardrobe smart enough to reflect occasion and functionality, but comfortable enough to wear for a complete 24 hours. The introduction of L'Estrange's 24 is a trouser for any time; for anywhere; for any wear. 
For the design direction, I wanted to summon the heart of minimalism, making good design by using as little as possible. The 24 campaign makes many references to L'Estrange's muses: Dieter Rams, and Braun. 
The name L'24 signifies the number of hours per day that the Everywear trouser could be put to use. I wanted to directly link the graphics from the famed Braun posters reflecting time to make a literal countdown to the arrival of the new 24.  

Teaser: T- 24 until the next 24. 
Launch: The Everywhere is here.

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